Pastor Tom & Caramel Gray

As a pastor who has served for over 20 years, Tom holds an M.Div. from RPTS (Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, PA) and is an ordained minister with ECO. The best thing that happened to me in life (next to coming to faith in Jesus) was marrying my wife, Caramel.
We are the grateful parents of eleven children, four still at home. Our family enjoys traveling (or just long day drives), exploring old and new places, and spending time together as much as possible.
Caramel has a background in nursing and a diploma in women’s ministry. She is also a CLP (Commissioned Lay Pastor with ECO) and FIT (ECO seminary) student. Hence, she is a highly activated follower of Christ within the life and ministry of our local church community. In her spare time, she is a PhD student of natural medicine.
Marriage and family are the cornerstone pillars of a community and country. Caramel and I studied counseling at Shepherd Heart Ministry Institute, especially premarital and marriage counseling. Therefore, our pastoral passion and ministry emphasis will strengthen marriages towards healthier and safer families in and through the Lemon Cove Community Church.
As a portrait of the church, marriage mysteriously reflects our relationship to Christ (our Bridegroom) as the Bride of Christ. Hence, she (we, the church) are to make herself ready for Christ’s second coming to consummate our marriage with Him for all eternity. For us, it is vital to be a church that grows healthily in our marital vows found in the Bible. These Biblical foundations enrich the faithfulness of our relationship with Christ and each other as His people – Ephesians 5:21-6:3. Hence, exegetical preaching and practicing the presence of the Holy Spirit will be a staple of our worship and way of life as His church at Lemon Cove Community Church.
Our deepest desire is to know Christ more each day and tell others about the hope He offers to all who believe in Him as their Savior. We are excited about God’s work in Lemon Cove.
Pastor Tom and Caramel Gray