Lemon Cove Community Church looks forward to making worship as meaningful and participatory of an experience as possible. We have multiple ways you can worship the Lord. We hope you will join us Sundays, or as your schedule allows.
- IN-PERSON :: Sundays at 10:30am
- Worship in our Sanctuary
- Video Simulcasts available in our Social Hall and in our Game / Multipurpose Youth Room to meet any overflow needs.
- Service lasts about 60 minuets.
- Masks are no longer required anywhere on church grounds at any time. It is entirely your choice if you would like to leave your mask at home on Sundays. Please continue to extend kindness and understanding to each other as some people may need some time to get used to it. Encourage each other, comfort each other, and thoughtfully make a space for your neighbor if they need it.
We look forward to seeing you!
- YOUTUBE :: Sundays at 10:30am
- Subscribe to the Lemon Cove Community Church for notifications
- Watch and participate in a 60-minute worship service
- Note Past live stream events viewable at the end of service on our YouTube channel or on our Worship Library page the following day.
- FACEBOOK :: Posted after service concludes.
- Like us to get reminders on Facebook @lemoncovepresbyterian
- Watch and participate in a 60-minute worship service.
- PODCASTS :: Posted after service concludes.
- Audio podcasts can be played directly on our Audio Sermons Page.
- Audio podcasts are available on, iTunes and Spotify.
- Listen in a 20-minute sermon only recording.
- ECO has provided us a link to a document with a number of live streams of some larger churches who ECO knows to have the bandwidth for higher traffic as well as additional midweek experiences for families and students. If you’d like to join one of there Sunday worship services remotely.
“Permission to reprint, podcast, and /or stream the music in this service obtained from Christian Copyright Licensing International with CCLI Streaming License #20685671- Size A and with CCLI Church Copyright License #822335-Size A. All rights reserved.”